Saturday, January 30, 2010

Somebody is farting in the bed

Baby Vs. Dog

So apparently an altercation arose when it became clear that all of the baby's toys look EXACTLY like all the dog's toys (albeit the baby's are newer, sans teeth marks).

This issue was resolved with the aid of a mediator and a handful of bacon flavored treats.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Everything he wears, must have ears

Tryna use his looks to scam us out of a cookie.

* thanks for the joke Sarah.

and now a word from our sponser

Oliver prefers HUGGIES. 
Because the only thing better than not peeing through them, is the cool space-age crystals that the diaper interior morphs your pee into.

Tummy Time

Tummy time is a pediatrician recommended excercise in which you place your infant on his stomach for five minutes each day and listen to them scream hystarically. 

This activity is supposed to strengthen their neck muscles as well as the parents ability to withstand sustained periods of piercing high frequency crying.

Thanks Dr. Sears, we only want the best.

six weeks old today

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the mother

in a rare state of repose

And now for some pictures where he's not speaking to the camera

Ole' blue eyes

You talkin'a me?

Saftey First

   Proper identification is an important part of keeping track of your offspring.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Go Longhorns!

                                                  Some people just can't handle losing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Poop Poop Everywhere

*The artist at home.

Basically I've resigned to the fact that I have poop on me for about 80% of my day.

The good news; you can't really smell or see it.

The bad news; you cant really smell or see it.

Lesson learned: You may get a little poop on you, a simple hazard of life.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Watch your back

There is nothing about caring for a newborn that does not hurt your back. I never anticipated how sore my back would be during these first few weeks. I wish someone had given me a heads up that dads should be in prenatal yoga too. This is really the only piece of advice I would pass on. Watch your back.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And Banjo himself thanks you. From the deepest recesses of his diaper, he thanks you.
First off, a sincere thank you to Andrea "Auschwitz" Schuetz and Matthew "MVP" Poisson for initiating this domain.

I'm excited to be joining the blogosphere and leaving my facebook status updates available for more appropriate uses, like actual live updates rather than dispatches of my dissatisfaction with the world and the people in it.

Thank you both.

... and Masha, thanks for listening.